Only the Registered trade marks are legally protected according to the traditional theory of brand protection and current legislation of trade marks. 根据我国传统的商标保护理论和现行商标立法,只有注册商标才受到法律的全面保护。
Spain had protected Mexico's borders with laws barring trade with the United States. 西班牙制定禁止与美国通商的法律,以保护墨西哥(殖民地)的边境。
Other forms of IP, that need not be registered, but may be protected nonetheless, include copyright works, computer software, confidential information and trade secrets. 其他形式的知识产权,包括版权作品,计算机软件,机密信息和商业秘密,不需要通过注册程序,自动享有知识产权保护。
In Japan, the right of group action constitutionally protected is usually made up of disputes rights and rights to form trade union activities. 日本宪法所保护的团体行动权通常由争议权和工会活动权构成。
Q17.Can a product be protected in Australia by both a Registered Design and a Registered Trade Mark? 在澳大利亚,一件产品可以同时被注册外观设计和注册商标保护吗?
The Honor often protected independent merchants from privateers and raiders surreptitiously sponsored by the Trade Federation. 该舰经常保卫着独立商人免受由贸易联盟暗中支持的私掠船与匪徒的攻击。
The doctrine specifies that any information that is valuable and secret can be protected as a trade secret. 有观点认为任何有价值的、秘密的商业信息都应被视为商业秘密。
Europeans preserved the balance of power, and the British fleet protected trade, while America criticised military adventures, such as the Boer war, as immoral. 美国批评诸如波尔战争(theBoerwar)等军事冒险不道德时,欧洲人保持着权力平衡,而英国的舰队在保护贸易。
In fact, with some drugs the most efficient manufacturing process is protected as a trade secret or by a separate patent, which may even be owned by a different company. 事实上,某些药物制造过程中最关键的部分被作为商业秘密加以保护,或者单独申请了专利,甚至专利权有可能由另外的公司拥有。
Canada is protected by stronger government procurement rules under the North American Free Trade Agreement, and had to be given special exemptions during earlier US attempts to restrict steel imports. 加拿大受到北美自由贸易协定(northamericanfreetradeagreement)中更为强大的政府采购规定的保护,在此前美国试图限制钢铁进口时,加拿大曾得到特别豁免。
Because the anti-subsidy law system isn't enough perfect, our country's legal rights can not be protected in foreign trade. 由于我国的反补贴法律制度不够完善,导致我国在对外贸易方面的合法权益得不到维护。
After joining in WTO, the textile product trade of our country entered in a new development stage, which not only brought the unprecedented opportunity to the textile product in our country, but also were protected by every kind of new trade with trade barrier. 加入WTO,我国纺织品贸易进入了一个新的发展阶段,既给我国纺织品带来了前所未有的发展机遇,但也遭受到各种新的贸易保护和贸易壁垒。
Refers to the right to expect to achieve some specific rights enjoyed by the main elements, with some interest and certainty, and in conformity with the socio-economic perspective and the object could be a legally protected trade status ( free). 期待权是指取得特定权利部分要件的主体所享有的,具有一定的利益和确定性,且依社会经济观点可以成为交易客体的受法律保护的地位(自由)。
Managed trade means neither free trade nor protected trade. 管理贸易既不是自由贸易也不是保护贸易,而兼具两者特点。
High green barrier is, on the pretext of the ecology being protected and with the purpose of restricting the import, to protect its domestic trade, and then set up some trade obstacles to foreign goods which are discriminatory and unnecessary. 它以生态保护为借口,以限制进口、保护贸易为目的,对外国商品进口所专门设置的带有歧视性的或对正常环保无必要的贸易障碍。
After China enters WTO, those industries previously protected by high tariffs, or by trade obstacle without protective tariffs, and those geared to the needs inner requirement market will face severe international competition. For other industries, the condition will be less rigorous. 两岸加入WTO,对原属高关税保护或非高关税贸易障碍保护或以内需市场为导向的产业,面临的国际竞争压力较大,反之,则较小。
Choice and Analysis between Free Trade and Protected Trade 自由贸易与保护贸易的选择分析
These analysis brings the following results: under protected trade and with respect to the effectiveness of the single policy, the export rebate is superior to the domestic tax and exchange rate; 这些分析得出如下的结论:就单一政策的调整效力而言,出口退税优于国内税收与汇率政策;
Species are nationally protected, 8 species involved in the "Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of wild Fauna and Flova"( CITES), and 4 species are the ones protected provincially; 国家级重点保护鸟类9种,《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)指定种类8种,河南省级重点保护鸟类4种;
Meanwhile, the new protectionism has protected the less advanced industries, sharpened the trade conflicts and clamped down on the development of world economy and trade. 新保护主义保护了落后行业,加剧了贸易摩擦,钳制了世界经济贸易的发展。
Secondly, protected trade theory and protectionist policy. It includes mercantilism and protectionist policy, tariff protecion theory and protection policy, weak industrial protection theory and protection policy, new mercantilism and protective measures. 其次,对保护贸易理论与保护贸易政策的研究,主要有重商主义与保护贸易政策,关税保护理论与保护政策,幼稚产业保护理论与保护政策,新重商主义与保护措施。
Based on the analysis of negative influence of export-oriented strategy, the writer suggested to implementing the protected-liberalized trade strategy. 在批判了出口导向战略的消极影响后,作者提出了执行适度保护下的贸易自由战略的建议。
Ever since the appearing of international trade, there has always been the contradiction between free trade and protected trade in trade policy. 自国际贸易产生以来,就长期存在着自由贸易与保护贸易两种政策取向。
Without an operational criterion, the trade secret can not be protected by law. So if we want to study the trade secret, we must treat its accreditation standard as the academic entrance. 没有一个可操作的标准,商业秘密的保护就无从谈起,因此,欲研究商业秘密,必先以其认定标准为学术进路。
The article thinks the free trade theory and protected trade theory does not oppose. The free trade theory has been a mainstream from Adam Smith, and the protected trade theory revises some conditions of free trade theory which causes the free trade theory in a new level. 论文认为自由贸易理论和保护贸易理论并不对立,从亚当斯密开始自由贸易理论一直是主流,而保护贸易理论修正了自由贸易理论的一些条件,从而使自由贸易政策在一个新的水平上。
Chinese giant salamander ( Andrias davidianus) belongs to a national second class protected animal which has been listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES) in Appendix I, it belongs to the Amphibia, Caudata, Cryptobranchidae. 中国大鲵(Andriasdavidianus)属于国家二级保护动物,已被列入《濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约》即CITES公约附录Ⅰ中,属于两栖纲、有尾目、隐鳃鲵科。
Computer software is protected mainly by copyright after the protection by way of patent, copyright and trade secret law. 计算机软件在经历专利法、著作权法、商业秘密法等多重保护手段选择后,现在主要通过著作权法进行保护。
Intellectual property law on trade dress protection, the Copyright Law Article 3, art is seen as one of the works protected by copyright, trade dress as a whole can be protected as works of art. 知识产权法对商业外观的保护,我国著作权法第3条规定,美术作品被视为是著作权法保护的作品之一,商业外观整体可以作为美术作品进行保护。
Since long, our automobile industry, like a baby in the swaddling clothes, has been protected greatly by trade policies. 长期以来,我国汽车产业象襁褓中的婴儿一样享受着高度贸易保护政策,而中国入世则意味着更加激烈和公平的竞争。